
If you happen to be one of those people who have a book in the Bible named after you, you end up being famous. Daniel is definitely one of those people. Throughout the Book of Daniel, God, and Daniel commune not only through prayer and fasting but also through dreams and visions. God shares BIG prophecies with Daniel! Daniel faithfully honors that gift from our Father over the course of his life.

Daniel Chapter 8 records the details of a perplexing vision Daniel is given that weighs heavily on his heart. While he is standing there watching the vision (was that like watching TV?) the angel, Gabriel, is sent to explain the vision to Daniel. Gabriel (the same angel who tells Mary she is going to birth the Son of God) tells Daniel what is going on in this vision! Obviously, this is a major-league vision. Gabriel explains that the vision Daniel is witnessing is about the rise and fall of empires, and the way-distant future, the ultimate fate of the earth. This ancient vision is preserved for us in the Bible so that we will remain faithful in the end times.

Now, ponder your time spent with God. When has the Holy Spirit given you a prophecy or dream? I, myself, have been given glimpses of future events from God through visions, dreams, and prophecies. Of course, none of these have global or historical significance like those of Daniel. But, glimpses of my future that God reveals to me are meaningful to my heart and solidify my faith in Him. Ultimately, dreams, visions, and prophecies are tools to secure our relationship with the Father. Even in the Book of Daniel, we find that kings turn to the God of Israel through the dreams Daniel interprets.

No way would I ever get a Book in the Bible named after me! But, you and I might get a couple of sentences mentioned somewhere if the Bible were still being written today. Although millions of people over the ages will never read in the Bible about how God has treasured me enough to show me in advance that he would orchestrate miracles in my life, I have told dozens of my contemporaries about the loving God who cares for me. When I share these stories with others, I am glorifying God.

God shared visions and dreams with Daniel to prepare His people for what was to come. These revelations are a source of hope in what will be a time of despair. Historians confirm that Daniel’s interpretations have come to pass as revealed in the Bible. As far as the future is concerned, nations will rise and fall. You will face many difficulties in life. Your loved ones will pass from this earth. A new heaven and earth are coming with the return of Christ! God has infinite blessings in store for his children! Revelation of our futures is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Trust the One who holds your future. He loves you beyond measure.