At Authentic Life Church, we view our Next Steps as a pathway to take you from a New-Believer to Fully-Developed follower of Christ! Many of these steps available are in no particular order. However, making Jesus your Lord and Savior is the first step in this journey! These are all great ways for you to discover and connect with God's incredible purpose for your life!



Salvation is a gift from God. You are saved from the eternal consequences of your sin and given eternal life. Salvation is about what God has already done for you - not what you can do for Him.

How am I Saved?

Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” You have been saved by the grace of Jesus through faith; not because of anything you have done rather, because of what He did for you when He died on the cress and rose again.

What do I need to do to be saved?

Romans 10:9 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord; and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” salvation is when you turn away from sin, repent, and believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. Baptism allows us to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Baptism allows us to tell the world that we have made a decision to follow Jesus. While baptism doesn't save you, it is one of the things all believers are commanded to do once they are saved.  



Life Groups’ simple purpose: to bring people together in order to grow closer to God and others. We believe God created us to live in authentic relationship with others, allowing us to be known and to fully experience the full life He has promised us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Life Groups exist - to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

Next Steps Class

Next Classes: February 18th - March 10th

We are so excited to be launching our Next Steps Classes: Experiencing God and Experiencing Mission! This series will journey through some of the most important aspects of the Christian faith. And these classes are not just for new believers or people that are new to our ALC community; these classes are for everyone!

Do you want to grow in your faith? Do you have a desire to connect with God in prayer? Do you have questions about the Bible or how to share the gospel with people who don’t know Jesus? Pastor Bryan will be taking us through topics such as Faith, Identity, Worship, Prayer, Community, Serving, Giving, Relational Evangelism, and more!

Join us during first service (10:45am) on February 18th & 25th, March 2nd & 10th for a time of teaching followed by breakouts and opportunities to ask questions.


This four-week experience is strongly encouraged for the new believer or anyone seeking accountability to grow in their faith. As you work through your “Following Jesus” book, your mentor will be available to answer any questions and pray with you. This “course” can be as simple as just having a few phone calls with your mentor or allowing it to be a more intense opportunity for discipleship.

Also, please let us know if you want to become a mentor here at ALC.


Jesus wants us to make disciples of all nations. By serving, you are helping the church with this purpose and becoming the hands and feet of Jesus.