Worship Arts & Production

Worship is a sacred and powerful time in every service - and if you have the gifting of musical instruments, we have the place for you! Or if you are someone that cares for the sound and lighting that goes into aiding worship we would love for you to learn more about joining our team!

  • Be a part of the worship team by using your musical gifts. The requirement is to be excellent at your position and be able to play/sing in a modern worship style. The ability to learn parts by ear is a must. Weekly practice, Thursday night rehearsal, and every other Sunday is the time commitment.
    (An audition is required.)

  • Run sound on Sundays and at special events. One needs to have a good ear (be able to hear parts and frequencies) and the ability to learn how to use a digital sound board. (Training is Available)

  • Run lyrics and sermon points during all services every other Sunday. Attendance at Thursday night rehearsals is required. (Training is Available)

  • Run lights for church services and special events. Use your creative eye to create intimate environments through the use of lighting. This person will design the lights during the week and then run them every other Sunday. (Training is Available)

  • Operate one of the cameras during Sunday services for IMAG and recording purposes. (Training is Available)

  • Oversee and direct live video and recording of the sermon. Set the white balance, focus, and zooming of the cameras while choosing what to display on the screens. (Training is Available)

  • Help with the set up of both lighting and sound. Help with cables, mic placement, and other needs on the Thursday night and Sunday morning of the weeks that you are scheduled. (Training is Available)