Youth and Young Adults

Our students face an extremely diverse set of challenges in their day to day lives. With various pressures and expectations set before them, they need to be encouraged, loved and cared for. Join our Middle School, High School or even Young Adult teams to mentor and friend someone that needs you!

  • Serve weekly on WEDNESDAY Nights leading a gender-specific small group. Care for students as they more fully understand who God is.

  • Serve weekly on SUNDAY Nights leading a gender-specific small group. Guide students towards God as they walk through new life challenges and questions.

  • SOUND Run sound at one of the youth ministry nights. One needs to have a good ear (able to hear parts and frequencies) and the ability to learn how to use a digital sound board. (Training is Available)

    PRO-PRESENTER Run lyrics and sermon points during one of the youth ministry nights. (Training is Available)

  • Serve weekly on Tuesday Nights helping grow our YA community. Partner alongside YA's to deeply walk through life with them.

  • SOUND Run sound at our young adults ministry night.

    One needs to have a good ear (able to hear parts and frequencies) and the ability to learn how to use a digital sound board. (Training is Available)

    PRO-PRESENTER Run lyrics and sermon points during our young adults ministry nights. (Training is Available)