Aerial view of ocean waves crashing against rocky shore, with the text 'Raised to Life' inside a white water droplet shape in the center.

The Bible tells us to repent and be baptized! Repenting and choosing to follow Jesus is what allows someone to enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and secures a place in heaven for them for all eternity. Repenting is choosing to walk away from sin and follow Jesus - making a choice daily to live our lives according to God's Word.  

See, the Bible tells us that everyone has walked away from God. Everyone has sinned and the result of that sin is eternal separation from God. The Bible also teaches that God made a way for us to come back to Him. He sent His son to take on our punishment by dying on the cross, and that by believing in Him we will be forgiven of all sins and be restored into a relationship with God.  

If you would like to take the next steps and be baptized at Authentic Life, please sign up here and we will contact you.

NEXT BAPTISM: Sunday, April 27th


  • Baptism is an outward expression of an inward decision. Baptism allows us to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Baptism allows us to tell the world that we have made a decision to follow Jesus. While baptism doesn't save you, it is one of the things all believers are commanded to do once they are saved.

  • First, we get baptized as believers because God commands it, “…go and make disciples (or followers) of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” – Matthew 28:19. Second, because we want the world to know we have chosen to follow Jesus.

  • We believe the Bible teaches that baptism is full submersion under water. Immersion is the best picture we have in identifying with Jesus’ death and burial (going under the water) and His resurrection (coming up out of the water). This is the perfect picture of what happens to us when we get saved.