Authentic Life Church actually began in December of 2017 when Melissa, Pastor Bruce’s wife, came down the stairs of their home and declared, “I know we’re supposed to plant a church, and I know that God has a building out there for us to plant in!”


“I know we’re supposed to plant a church, and I know God has a building out there for us to plant in!”


At the same time, God was doing a work within another group of people who were meeting in a large church building off of Coal Mine and Pierce. They were actually a multi-site of a church in Colorado Springs called Church For All Nations. A few years before, they had heard clearly from God that they would one day be a congregation of 500 people meeting on their campus. Only problem was that they had been less than 100 for the past 7 years. But, that did not change their resolve or their faith. God made a promise, and God would deliver!

Soon, 30 people were gathering in that same house to pray throughout a 6 week period to discover God’s will. During that time, God revealed a potential location, a vision to reach Littleton and Denver and also instilled within those 30 people a heart to do whatever it takes to not only become a church… but to BE the church! A theme became clear during those first few months: “God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or even imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).


By March of 2018, these two groups began to meet together and came to the conclusion that becoming one church was definitely God’s plan. Church For All Nations, in a spirit of generosity, helped the process to becoming one church. So on Sunday, May 6th, we all combined for our first launch team gathering. Soon, there were over 250 people meeting each week in preparation for our September 16th Grand Opening. There was fasting and praying, painting parties, construction meetings, and times of training and teaching. Eventually, this launch team was ready to become a church. And on September 16th , 2018 Authentic Life Church was born. Hundreds of families showed up to worship the God who “can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”

Authentic Life Church exists to help people build authentic relationships with God and others. In a world where truth seems to be difficult to find, we want to be a church where honesty, transparency, and truth prevails. The future is bright as God continues to bring people through our doors who want an honest and authentic relationship with God.

Our motto is simple:

Whatever your story is, you can share it here at Authentic Life Church.

We’ve just shared ours, now come and join us and feel free to share yours. Whatever your story is… it can be shared here!