Weekly Gatherings // Wednesdays @ 6:30-8:15pm
Middle School Bible Studies // Sundays @ 10:45am
Authentic Life Middle School exists to WORSHIP God wholeheartedly, to INVITE students to CONNECT in authentic relationships with God and others, and to learn to GIVE and SERVE.
We do all of these things through weekly gatherings and monthly events that are marked by PASSION, FUN, and KINDNESS.
Arizona Mission Trip
We are going to the Navajo Nation on mission for our third time! This is an UNMISSABLE experience whether you are an ALCHS or MS vet, or a rookie. This is FOR YOU! We will train and fundraise together so make sure to apply early!
Life with Jesus isn’t about staying the same—it’s about leveling up! In this four-week series, we’ll dive into the book of Ephesians and discover how following Christ transforms every part of our lives.
Session 1: We Are Made Alive in Christ – Before Jesus, we were spiritually dead, but through His grace, we’ve been given new life! We’ll explore what it means to be made alive in Christ and how His love changes everything.
Session 2: Jesus Calls Us to Live in Unity – The Church isn’t just a place—it’s a family. Jesus calls us to live in unity, breaking down walls that divide us and bringing us together as one body in Him.
Session 3: Jesus Calls Us to Leave Our Old Lives Behind – Following Jesus means letting go of the things that hold us back. We’ll talk about what it looks like to step away from our old ways and step into the new life God has for us.
Session 4: Jesus Calls Us to Prepare for Victory – The Christian life is a battle, but we’re not fighting alone. In our final session, we’ll learn how to put on the full armor of God and stand strong in the victory Jesus has already won!
It’s an absolute blessing to have the opportunity to serve our students as we seek to grow in our relationship with the Lord. Learning about each student’s unique story and building strong relationships with them is something I am truly passionate about.
If you ever see me outside of church, you’ll probably find me exploring the beautiful mountains of Colorado through hiking, biking, or even climbing! I’ve moved up to the mountains from Texas, so don’t make too much fun of me if you catch me with extra layers as it dips below 60 degrees