Weekly Gatherings // Sundays @ 6:30-8:30pm
Monthly Community Events
Quarterly Retreats
Authentic Life High School exists to WORSHIP God wholeheartedly, to INVITE students to CONNECT in authentic relationships with God and others, and to learn to GIVE and SERVE.
We do all of these things through weekly gatherings and monthly events that are marked by PASSION, FUN, and KINDNESS.
Arizona Mission Trip
We are going to the Navajo Nation on mission for our third time! This is an UNMISSABLE experience whether you are an ALCHS or MS vet, or a rookie. This is FOR YOU! We will train and fundraise together so make sure to apply early!
Night at the Movies
Friday, April 4th @ 7pm // AMC Bowles Crossing
The theater is OURS! Don't miss a super fun hangout together AT THE MOVIEEEEEES! We gather monthly outside of the church simply to encourage our community to continue to grow in friendship as we pursue Jesus together :)
COST: $14
Baby Party
Sunday, April 6th
The Fila's are having a baby! We'd love to celebrate with you (and french toast sticks because they are awesome)! We will have all sorts of baby themed games to play... but also come ready to just encourage and love on Mark and Nora :) (event is being thrown by the HS Leaders).
Scripture tells us that we are dead to sin and alive in Christ (Romans 6:11). But, how come when we give our lives to Christ, our sins don’t magically go away? In this series, we will take action to destroy the flesh that is within each of us, and surrender to obedience in Christ : Which looks like freedom!
Mark was born a serious kid and raised to be an extraverted goofball in Northern Michigan. He enjoys a Box Combo with extra Cane’s Sauce, anything that takes physical endurance, being outside, or involves strategy. Throughout his time at Denver Seminary, and since, Mark has been obsessed with Youth Ministry. Mark prioritizes passionate worship and safe community.