And the gospel must first be preached to all nations
Mark 5:10
We are a mission-minded church; we care deeply about reaching this world for Jesus Christ. Jesus was clear the end won't come until the good news is revealed to all nations. We believe this wholeheartedly, as well as the call to be the hands and feet of Jesus; we trust in this mission and support the missions that grow, either through training up more disciples to go out and spread the news or through missionaries that are reaching unreached parts of the world.
Togo Africa
Three years ago, through Compassion International, we started sponsoring three villages in Togo, Africa. This region of Africa has some staggering statistics:
12% of all kids will end up in sex trafficking.
75% of the people in Togo don’t have access to healthy water.
40% of kids will not go past a 5th-grade education.
The beautiful thing is that when Jesus enters the story through Compassion International, There is an 80% chance a child will graduate from High School and attend college. Supporting one child helps their whole family; they go to church, bible study, access medical facilities, and are seeped in the truth; they know they are loved. 1 Child in one family changes that family. Over 200 families in one village changes the village. God is in the business of changing lives, and we want to come alongside Him by adopting children in the villages of Togo, Africa, through Compassion International.
Authentic Life Girls Home - India
In partnership with the Saji John Foundation, we have fully funded a girls' home in India where we are fighting the horrors of Sex Trafficking. We currently support 12 girls rescued from various sex trafficking organizations. These girls are given a safe space to live and a place to go to school. They are also taught valuable life skills so that they will be able to provide for themselves into adulthood. Thereby ending the chain of human trafficking and giving these young girls hope!
The Mission in the Amazon
Chris and Tina serve in the Amazon and Lowland Region of South America with ALTECO (www.alteco.org) and The Three Waves Movement (www.movimientotresolas.com). This missional movement includes Western, Latin, and tribal believers as they, together, aim to strengthen the tribal church in South America, especially empowering tribal leaders to reach and teach their own people. While Chris and Tina have many different roles, they primarily serve as the Co-Executive Directors of ALTECO (www.alteco.org) and as two of the nine leaders of the South American Leadership Team which guides the ministries of The Three Waves Movement. Their ministry is cooperation-oriented, indigenous-driven, and Great Commission-focused. Chris and Tina are “come-alongside-leaders” who work strategically to support indigenous leaders who identify, evaluate, and guide within their own people groups. Their goal is to promote partnership and cooperation among local churches and NGOs in an effort to move from doing “for” the tribal people to do “with” them.
Pray for wisdom in their leadership roles (Co-Executive Directors and SA Leadership Team)
Pray for favor and protection as they travel to 11 different South American countries to work shoulder-to-shoulder with Latin and tribal leaders
Pray for the 250 tribal groups in the Amazon that have yet to hear about Jesus and for the 60 tribal groups that have yet to even have contact with the outside world. That the ministries of the Three Waves Movement and ALTECO would truly empower the tribal church to fulfill the Great Commission in the Amazon and Lowland region of South America.
Contact information:
Chris Ferry – chris.ferry@alteco.org
Tina Ferry – tina.ferry@alteco.org
Follow the Ministry - https://www.facebook.com/ALTECO.ORG
Where to send support checks: Financial gifts can be sent to ALTECO, PO Box 271109, Littleton, CO 80127. Please put the Ferry’s name in the memo.
For other ways to donate go to www.alteco.org/donations
The Mission in England
partnered with Greater Europe Mission
Grant and Jeni Chinn
Jeni and Grant Chinn are one of the UK Area Leaders for Birmingham and the West Midlands. They provide supervision, oversight and LDC (leadership, development and care) to 15 missionary units here in the West Midlands. A unit can be a single, married or family. In essence they are missionaries to missionaries. Their heart, gifting and passion is to provide oversight, coaching and mentorship so that their missionaries can thrive and be successful in their various ministry contexts. Grant Chinn also currently serve as the GEM UK onboarding pastor where he provides oversight and pastoral care to new missionaries during their first 8-12 months of being on the field. Jeni and Grant also serve in their church community and local coffee shop that is owned and run by the church. Jeni is volunteering as the assistant manager and a fill-in barista from time to time and Grant, along with being a part of the preaching team, assists with conversational English courses with one of their coffee shop chaplains where they engage in intentional Gospel conversation and are available for prayer, etc. Jeni is also assisting our GEM UK executive team with some administrative tasks.
Pray for wisdom and discernment as Jeni and I provide leadership, development and care for our missionaries here in the West Midlands
Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel message in our café and community
Pray for the growing Ukrainian community in North Birmingham and for opportunities to reach them for Christ
Pray for our missionaries here in the West Midlands as they serve in their particular contexts
Contact information:
Grant Chinn – grant.chinn@gemission.org
Jenifer Chinn – jenifer.chinn@gemission.org
Learn about GEM - Greater Europe Mission
To Donate, go to Grant & Jenifer Chinn - Greater Europe Mission (gemission.org)
Bolivia Mission Trip Recap
Click here to hear about the ALC 2024 Bolivia Teams Mission!!
A few very caring and compassionate individuals saw an overwhelming need in the SW Jefferson County area of Colorado and chose to reach out to their neighbors. They began in a small 300 square foot room and have expanded to our current size of over 7200 square feet. Open Arms, a partner of Food Bank of the Rockies, is a full service food bank in Littleton, Colorado. We currently service as many as 3,000 people a week, some of whom come from over 50 miles every Tuesday afternoon in order to receive our assistance. Volunteers make sure that any overages get funneled into other charities so that nothing goes to waste.