31 Days of Proverbs
We can not wait to dive into the book of Proverbs with you every day! Follow along, and if you fall behind - no worries! Feel free to find all the videos here!

Let’s Ripple
If we want to keep rippling through our world with Christ, we need to recharge and stay plugged-in to the Church. The Bible guides us to an effective way to sustain our ripple.
The Day of Pentecost set off a chain-reaction that has rippled across the continents for over 2,000 years. Acts 2:42-47 tells us how the newborn Church lived. It’s a simple recipe for success.
The Battle for the Throne
This Christmas season, may we all ponder how we can be more like Jesus and less like a self-centered, self-seeking king. I pray that we all can put aside our differences and love those difficult family members with a love that reflects the heart of God. I pray that we can forget past hurts, overlook petty offenses, and “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). I pray that we would let love rule in our hearts and that we would show the same forgiveness to others that God has given to us through his son, the one and only perfect King: Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us how we should pray. The Lord’s Prayer is simple and short. I think this is where I should begin on my journey to learn how to pray scripture. I will build from this foundation. Maybe this is also a good place for you to begin anew with your prayers.
Molded by The Potter
Being molded hurts sometimes. How often do we flop into a lump and God starts over with us? While it’s a hit to our pride, it’s important to remember that God is far more concerned with molding our character than he is with us being comfortable. As Americans, we have become extremely comfortable. Complacent. Entitled, even. It’s easy to forget who is in charge (hint: it’s not us)! When we realize that there is a great and mighty potter, who seeks to mold us more and more into the image of his perfect son, Jesus, we can surrender.
Just Be You!
God created you on purpose for a specific purpose. The best way to find out what that purpose is is to get closer to the purpose giver. As you listen for God’s direction, He will guide you in a way that is unique to your personality and special traits and gifts He has given you.