Go and Make Disciples

I was once in line in New York City to buy tickets for a tour of the United Nations Headquarters. Crowds of people joined me, dressed in colorful clothing and head coverings of distant cultures. A buzz of indistinguishable chatter from other tourists reached my ears. Announcements from speaker systems in numerous languages reverberated through the building. Standing there in my jeans and Nikes, speaking English, I felt very much like a 21st-century American. 

John writes of a vision he experienced in the book of Revelation, chapter 7. In this glimpse into the future, he is listening to an innumerable multitude of people from every nation and tribe of earth. All are wearing white robes and singing praises of their salvation before the throne of God in their own language. When the time comes, I will be there, and so will you! We will feel very much like the Church, the Body of Christ, redeemed and set apart to glorify the Lord.

I wonder, who will I be with at this event in heaven? Will I be standing next to family members or friends I had on earth? Will we be worshiping in English? Will I be beside people I never knew on earth, yet somehow we will have an eternal connection? Will someone near me be singing praises in a language that I have never even heard before?

I am reminded of the incredible power of the Holy Spirit as I ponder this scene in heaven. Jesus’ earthly ministry was very limited, geographically speaking. He didn’t have the internet to influence millions, nor even a Bible to hand out at his gatherings. He rocked the world with just 12 disciples. Today, over 2 billion of us belong to Christ!  Before he departed this earth, Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations on his behalf. Centuries later, across the vast Atlantic Ocean, we are the by-product of The Great Commission.

So, GO! Someone went before you and nurtured the seed that brought you into the Kingdom. Partner with the Holy Spirit and missionaries to reach around the globe. Maybe on that day depicted in the Book of Revelation, you will be worshiping next to someone singing in a language that is foreign to your ears because you helped transform their life.