Our Independence Day

The Fourth of July is a time when Americans celebrate freedom. In 1776, the Continental Congress for our thirteen colonies recognized that it was time to separate from Great Britain.  The Declaration of Independence begins with, “When in the course of human events”.  When the Apostle Paul visited the Church of Galatia, he found that it was time to remind them of their freedom in Christ.

The early Church in Galatia had lost hold of the Gospel. They were in a tug of war between their desire to abide by the Law, specifically Jewish dietary traditions and circumcision, and their desire to live according to the Gospel of Jesus. It’s a dilemma that many of us struggle with even today.  Although contemporary Christians don’t spend much time thinking about circumcision or keeping a kosher kitchen, many of us are raised in Church traditions where certain “Christian” behaviors of “do’s” and “don’ts” are prevalent. Let’s refresh our hearts with the freedom found in our faith. 

The Gospel isn’t about what we should or shouldn’t do; it’s about what Jesus does. Paul wrote, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Stand securely in faith. Christ has rescued us from sins that oppressed us and held us in bondage. You are free to be who He made you to be. Don’t walk back into the trap that snared you in your past. We enjoy many of the freedoms and opportunities that the USA offers, but if we are devoted to securing earthly power, knowledge, or wealth, we are worshiping idols of success and our desires will never be satisfied. If we are doing “this” and doing “that” for the Kingdom of God, our souls still long for fulfillment. God can’t give us freedom if we are trying to earn it! In his letter to the Galatians, Paul reminds us “the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.”

It’s time to celebrate the civic freedoms we enjoy in the USA. This Fourth of July, let’s host barbecues, watch parades, and marvel at fireworks extravaganzas! And yes, it’s also time to celebrate the freedom we have in Christ!