
The Holy Trinity. Three-in-One. One-in-Three. This attribute of God is truly beyond the grasp of our intellectual capacity. Even the most brilliant mathematicians, theologians and physicists are stumped by this concept. Yet, there is no way that anyone can study the Bible or experience the wonders of God without affirming this baffling triune reality.

When I ponder the nature of the Trinity, I find an expansive relationship of Unity, Glory and Love. Jesus’ prayer, recorded in John 17, is one of many biblical passages that give us a glimpse of the heart and essence of the Trinity. Just prior to his arrest, interrogation and crucifixion, Jesus prays for himself, his disciples and all future believers in his Church.

Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus knew that the time had come to finalize his earthly mission. He opens in prayer for himself, asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit so that he might be glorified by the Father. In turn, Jesus would be empowered to and willingly glorify the Father.

In prayer for his disciples, Jesus asserts with the Father that all he has is the Father’s, and all the Father has is his. He instructs God the Father to protect the disciples. He tells God that he is praying for his disciples so that they would have Christ’s full measure of joy in them! In prayer, Jesus also proclaims that he sanctifies himself so that his disciples can also be truly sanctified.

Jesus continues praying for the future Church. He prays for the complete unity of all believers as is experienced between him and the Father. As the Father glorifies Jesus through the Holy Spirit, Christ sends the Holy Spirit to glorify his people so that we may be as one, just as he and the Father are one. Jesus closes his prayer promising God the Father that he will continue to make Him known to all believers so that the love the Father has for the Son may be in all believers and that Christ, himself, will dwell in all believers.

I am in awe that Jesus prays that we may have what the Triune God has! This is truly living! The three beings of the Trinity honor each other, move in agreement with each other, and selflessly share with each other all that each has. Jesus desires joy, and unity with fellow believers for us. He prays that we may be at one with our relationship with God, living under the glory of the Holy Spirit. He prays that the love of the Father will fill believers just as it fills Jesus.

It is incredibly humbling to know that Jesus prays for me, you, and current and future believers. I am grateful, Father, that your love for us is as your love for your Son. The amazing Holy Spirit has been sent forth to seal our salvation and do mighty works through us to glorify the Father. I echo Christ’s prayer in John 17. May the Triune God shower his church in unity, harmony and love.