Joy To The World

What comes to mind when you hear the word “Joy”? With Christmas week barely behind us, maybe it reminds you of the song, “Joy to the World”. Or maybe you think of the children’s song that goes, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. “ Maybe you think of dish soap from the 1970s!  Or, maybe you know someone whose first name is Joy. 

Merriam-Webster defines joy as “a source or cause of delight”. In Psalm 16:11, David wrote this to the Lord, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” For sure, God is our source and cause of delight. Or at least he wants to be (if we let Him). 

Did you know that joy is, like many things, a choice? Some years ago, I had a coworker who was a chronic complainer. After months of hearing her laments (and sharing an office), I said, “You know, misery is a choice, and so is joy!” To which she responded, “I know!  And I choose misery!” 

Honest. Sad, but honest. 

I don’t know about you, but I want to approach 2024 with hope and joy. As we embark on a new year, an election year…with much strife, division, and insecurity, isn’t it great to know that God, our source of true joy, is steadfast and true? His very nature is unchanging. Constant. And for those who know Jesus as their Savior and Lord, we know our eternity is secure in Him, no matter what goes on in the here and now. 

The Bible tells us that, as we approach the end times, there will be an increase of demonic activity. Do you see it? Feel it? It seems like there’s an uptick in darkness that even those who are numbed to the spiritual realm can’t possibly deny. Unlike Jesus, the enemy wants to steal our joy and he’s quite good at it, especially if we aren’t paying attention. 

Better than a New Year’s resolution is this: get right with God. Anxious? Weary? Confused? Depressed? The solution to all these problems is the same: Jesus. Choose Him. Choose joy. Get in His Word, because this is how we understand His true character. Pray. Talk to HIm just like a friend. He’s not impressed with eloquent speech- he wants you just as you are. Just as He made you- to come to Him and seek His face. 

A New Year’s challenge: the average active person spends 15-16  hours awake per day. If we think about tithing of our time, that is, giving back 10% to God, and using the rest for other commitments, this means that roughly an hour and a half should be spent communing with God. How we do that can vary. Maybe it’s journaling. Praying, Reading the Bible/doing a devotion in the Bible app on your phone. Walking and praying silently, taking in the beauty of His creation. Imagine how much more joy (and peace) we would have if we made time for the one who gave us time in the first place! This is going to be my goal for 2024 and I’d love for you to join me. If it seems a little too daunting, start at 5%. I promise you this: time spent with God is never wasted time! Make Him a priority and watch how your life transforms from the inside out. 

Lord, thank you for another year. I pray for everyone reading this, Father, that you would pour out a special blessing on them. I pray that all of us would desire more of you, Jesus. There are many distractions and if we are honest, we all have idols we cling to. I pray that you would strip away the lesser things and bring us more of your grace, love, and power. I pray that you would embolden us to speak to a lost world, telling the good news of Jesus, our purest source of real joy. Give us strength for the year ahead, God. Many of us are weary for a multitude of reasons. Please restore us and show us how to honor you and serve others. In Jesus’ name, amen.