What’s Your Passion?

What are you most passionate about? When you wake up in the morning, who or what first comes to your mind? When talking to family or a close friend, who or what do you talk about most frequently? 

James was known as “The Apostle of Passion”.  He was also one half of the duo nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” by Jesus himself. Side note: how cool would it be to be nicknamed by the creator of all the universe, in the flesh? James was! Like you and me, James was far from perfect. He didn’t always get it right. In fact, the night of Jesus’ arrest, James was one of the Apostles who fell asleep when he was supposed to be praying for Jesus! 

James saw miracles. James probably also performed some miracles when Jesus authorized the disciples to preach and minister in nearby towns. He walked closely with Jesus and loved Him dearly. Yes, he was passionate about Jesus. 

Passion for God brings closeness with God. Closeness with God brings the peace and contentment our souls so desperately crave. James wrote, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

Passion for God also means passion for His purpose. As we align our hearts with His, we can more easily catch His vision and participate in it with Him! 

Lastly, passion for God means a passion for His methods. How we share the gospel matters! Living in a way that obeys and honors God, while loving others and speaking the truth! 

In a world where so many things demand our attention, let’s be people who are passionate about Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life! Serving Him and loving those created in His image (everyone). 

Lord, we need you. Please help us to draw closer to you and Lord, please allow us to feel Your awesome presence in our lives. Please fall fresh on us, God. Lord, help us to say no to things that oppose you and to say yes, even under pressure– to what is important to you. May our conversations always be full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that we will know how to answer everyone. God, may we as believers be beacons of Your light, Father! Drawing a hurt, lost, and sometimes angry world. I pray that we would not cling to the things of this world but that we would fix our eyes on eternity and the reward that awaits us there. In Jesus’ mighty and powerful name, we pray, amen.