• Group Type: Mixed
• Uniting factors of our Life Group: We have a mixed group of 'married' and 'singles' (mostly older)
• Age/s: We are both 64
• Home Life: Jackie and I have been married for 32 years. We have a blended family. We have 3 grown children and 9 grandchildren.
• Where I’ve lived: I grew up in a small town in Kentucky and moved to Colorado in 1977. Jackie grew up in the Kansas City area and moved here when we got married. We now live in Castle Rock.
• Work: I have been self-employed for the last 18 years. Jackie used to work at Macy's and quit when we moved to Castle Rock. I just recently started a new real estate photography business with a friend.
• Church Involvement: We have been attending this church for 31 years - first as Church of the Southwest, then Trinity Christian Center, then Church for All Nations, and now Authentic Life (all in the same building).
I have been playing drums here ever since I started. I have served mostly in the music ministry. Jackie worked for the church for a few years and was on the 'counting team' before the system changed.
We have asked God, through all the transitions, if it was time for us to leave. He has told us He has us right where he wants us. We love going to church.
• Hobbies: My hobbies are photography and music. Go figure. Jackie loves spending time with her grandchildren and puzzles. We both love walking and playing dominoes (not at the same time).