February 16th and 23rd,
March 2nd and March 9th
We are so excited to be launching another round of our Next Steps Classes:
Experiencing God and Experiencing Mission!
This series will journey through some of the most important aspects of the Christian faith. These classes are not just for new believers or people that are new to our ALC community; these classes are for everyone!
Do you want to grow in your faith? Do you have a desire to connect with God in prayer? Do you have questions about the Bible or how to share the gospel with people who don’t know Jesus?
Pastor Bryan will be taking us through topics such as Faith, Identity, Worship, Prayer, Community, Serving, Giving, Relational Evangelism, and more!
Join us for this four-session course during the second service (10:45am) on October 20th, October 27th, November 17th, and November 24th. There will be a time of teaching followed by breakouts and opportunities to ask questions. We will have sign-ups in the Connections Center, so make sure you register today!